“Internet Girl is my modern-day take on a relationship within today’s era where the expected human exchange meets unexpected results. The internet is kind of based on meaningless and or short-term interactions or exchanges, I mean, think of the modern-day girl, she lives and thrives on the internet and so being a modern-day guy, where else would one "mack" on a girl but interact with her on the internet?
From the beginning of the
project, we’re introduced to a sense of knowing what every girl
wants and trying to see how one could meet that. Then at the end
of it all, we get more than what one would’ve bargained for. ” says
the artist about his EP.
P R E T O R I A , G A U T E N G , J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 2 2
Visit the Imani Basquiat link and download the artist’s newest release
Stream Internet Girl by Imani Basquiat out now on all digital platforms.
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